viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

...slide away...

A mi niña hermosa le quiero dejar por acá esta canción que le dedico con todo mi corazón de tortilla... je. Sabes que soy fan, amante de Oasis... y sé que esta canción es para ti... GRACIAS POR TODO! Te quiero

Slide away
Definitely maybe

Slide away - and give it all you've got
My today - fell in from the top
I dream of you - and all the things you say
I wonder where you are now?

Hold me down - all the world's asleep
I need you now - you've knocked me off my feet
I dream of you - and we talk of growing old
But you said "please don't!"

Slide in baby - together we'll fly
I've tried praying - but I don't know what you're saying to me...

Now that´s you're mine
We'll find the way
Of chasing the sun
Let me be the one that shines with you
In the morning, when you don't know what to do

Two of a kind
We'll find a way
To do what we've done
Let me be the one that shines with you
And we can slide away...
Slide away...

Slide away - and give it all you've got
My today - fell in from the top
I dream of you - and all the things you say
I wonder where you are now?

Slide in baby - together we'll fly
I've tried praying - and I know just what you're saying to me

Now that´s you're mine
We'll find the way
Of chasing the sun
Let me be the one that shines with you
In the morning, when you don't know what to do

Two of a kind
We'll find a way
To do what we've done
Let me be the one that shines with you
And we can slide away
Slide away...

"...don't know, don't care.
All I know is you can take me there!..."

Slide away

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